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Gel Ball Blaster and Pizza (Children)
From: 30,00 €
From 6 years old
Come and celebrate your birthday playing Gelball with an extra 15.000 of balls and then enjoy your snack with pizza included.
Gelball or better known as Gelsoft is an activity mainly designed for children, from 6 years old, due to the way it works and the materials used.
Both the replica and the markers are designed for all ages and are friendlier than other activities such as Paintball or Airsoft.
Gelsoft is a 100% safe activity as it does not use air or paint projectiles. Instead, GelBall is played with ammunition made of gel and water, which weighs much less and is fired at a lower velocity. For this reason, no special clothing is necessary, although Paintball Donosti will equip you with a coverall and a mask.